❤️Know this. I was 235 pounds on the left…Yes I had just given birth to my first set of twins, but I had a LONG road ahead. A long one.
❤️Some of you might have a long road and some might have just a few more pounds to go. Whatever the goal may be, this road that we travel, this road will take you up horrible, unbelievable self doubting hills and then it will take you down easy riding ones.
❤️It will always be a road that we will travel. Health is not just a one and done goal. You will always be working toward making healthier choices. It will get easier, yes. But, if you are like me it will always take a little extra push and mindfulness.
❤️So, maybe your goal today is to lose a few more pounds. Maybe it is to get stronger. Maybe it is to get leaner. No matter what your goal is today, I promise you when you achieve you will feel UH-MAZE-ING! However, you will never be "done".
❤️That is why it is SO IMPORTANT to enjoy the journey my friends.
❤️Don't WAIT TO BE HAPPY or WAIT TO START your life until you weigh a certain weight or achieve a certain goal! Live your LIFE NOW and HAVE THE BEST TIME doing it!
❤️Each day you will get stronger. Each healthy choice will get easier. The important thing here is to just HAVE FUN & ENJOY the PRESENT MOMENT FOR WHAT IT IS .... A GIFT!
Cabbage Casserole:
❤️1 lb of lean Beef or Venison (Don't eat meat? Use Chickpeas)
❤️1 head of Cabbage
❤️1 package of Ranch Season
❤️1 can Stewed Tomatoes (drained)
❤️1/2 C Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
Brown the Beef or Venison in a large skillet over Medium heat on the stove. While that is cooking chop and clean cabbage and add to the meat.
Sprinkle in the package of Ranch Season.
Cook until meat seems done or close to it and cabbage seems tender.
Add Tomatoes.
Mix all of the ingredients gently together.
Top with cheese and let simmer 10-15 minutes.
❤️In Spirit,